
Tools To Be Fit: Tools to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors identifier:
NCT05056077 (

Quality of Life
Bladder, breast, colon, endometrial, kidney (renal cell carcinoma), ovarian, prostate, or rectal cancer

Study Contact Information:

Contact the Study Coordinator: Evelyn Montenegro at: 415-218-8398 or the

Principal Investigator Erin Van Blarigan by email at:

About the Study

Eating well and being physically active may help prevent cancer recurrence. Tools To Be Fit is a study to figure out what tools work best for helping cancer survivors improve their diet and exercise. Participants will get access to a combination of tools such as text messages, a wearable physical activity tracker, apps, health coaching, and coaching for a support person in the participant’s life.

What the Study Entails

Tools To be Fit is a randomized controlled study testing different tools to see which ones work best to help cancer survivors eat well and be physically active over the course of 1 year. 

If you are interested in joining this study, please visit to join and complete the short screening survey:

The study includes the following procedures: 

All study participants will receive: 

Intervention Groups: 

Participants will be randomized (placed into groups by chance) to 1 of 16 groups receiving a unique combination of the following interventions: 

Where does the study take place? 

Study Site

Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California San Francisco
Erin L. Van Blarigan, ScD
Associate Professor

This Study is Open To:

To be eligible, you must:

This Study is Not Open To:

People are not eligible who: 


FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.