
Testing an Immunotherapy, Pembrolizumab, in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors identifier:
NCT02628067 (

Treatment study for people with advanced cancers

Study Contact Information:

Study Director: Medical Director, Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC

Toll-free number: 1-888-577-8839


About the Study

This study is looking at the effectiveness of an immunotherapy, pembrolizumab, in treating people who have been diagnosed with advanced solid tumors that have progressed on standard-of-care therapy, by radiology and through tumor biopsies. While participants may receive up to two years of treatment, the response will be measured for up to 10.5 years. 

What the Study Involves

There will be two groups in this study. All participants will receive the study drug pembrolizumab, although the dose will be different. 

Group 1:

Group 2:

After completion of study treatment, participants are followed for up to 10 years. 

This Study is Open To:

People, 18 years and older, who meet the following criteria:

Advanced solid tumor of one of the following types:

This Study is Not Open To:


FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.