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Sexual Health and Rehabilitation Online (SHAREonline): An Educational Intervention for Young Women after Cancer identifier:

Quality of Life
An online study comparing two educational interventions for female cancer survivors experiencing sexual health changes

Study Contact Information:

Study Coordinator: Eva Miklos;
Study email:

Sexual Health and Rehabilitation Online (SHAREonline): An Educational Intervention for Young Women after Cancer

About the Study

SHAREonline compares two brief educational interventions conducted by videoconference to learn if they help women ages 19-49 manage sexual function changes after cancer treatment. Participants complete health questionnaires, then are to either the

  1. Group Education session, followed by an individual coaching call, or
  2. Individual Self-Management session where they receive written and online materials and guidance on their use.

Participants receive up to $60 in gift cards for completing questionnaires 2 and 4 months later.

What the Study Involves

The purpose of this research is to compare two brief educational interventions delivered by videoconference to learn if they help women effectively manage changes in sexual health and functioning after cancer treatment. Participants in this study would first complete health questionnaires and then be to take part in one of two types of education sessions delivered by an instructor over videoconference. Women to Group Education will participate in a group session to learn about the causes of sexual changes after cancer and how to manage them. Women to Individual Self-management will have an individual session in which they receive written and online materials on sexual health after cancer and guidance on how they may be used.  All participants will complete a brief questionnaire at the end of their session and follow-up questionnaires 2 and 4 months later. and will receive up to $60 in gift cards for completing all questionnaires.

Visit to learn more or email to participate.

Study Locations

Online study conducted by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA.

Lead Researchers

PI: Sharon Bober, Ph.D.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

This Study is Open To:
  • Women aged 19-49
  • Diagnosed with cancer at least 1 year ago
  • No active cancer treatment in the past 4 months 
  • Bothered by changes in sexual functioning
This Study is Not Open To:
  • A cancer diagnosis before age 18
  • Unable to read and write in English