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Tribute > Georgi Timon

Tribute in Honor of: Georgi Timon
Posted May 11, 2014

Georgi Timon
Georgi Timon

To my mommy the 4th generation of fighter's, with love from your daughters & granddaughters the 5th & 6th generations of future fighters

Personal Story

Grandma's Monster Fight
I am Susannah and this is my grandma and together we fought off the meanest of monsters. It all started a few years ago when a big lumpy bump was found on the side of her neck. So she went to see Dr. Oncoly, and asked pretty please. “I need this big lumpy bump off, off of my neck, don’t you see. It is not to be there; and I do not like it, one little bit!”
Dr. Oncoly looked at that bump for a minute or two and then suddenly, she knew just what to do. She jumped to her computer and started working fast, fast. Her fingers flew over the keys in such a great furry that after a minute my Grandma shouted, “Wait! Now just what is the hurry?”
She stopped suddenly and then kindly explained, “That bump is no bump, not a lump, not a mump. That is the monster called Cancer, you see. And he eats up the very best parts of your body. He moves fast, growing bigger and fatter, until its gobbled every last cell that you’ve got.” My grandmother was scared, she didn’t know what to think, say, or do.
Dr. Oncoly smiled kindly and held both her hands, “But all is not over, no fretting, no frowning. We will fight the monster; we will lose no delay, why we will start this very day. We’ll send teeny tiny warriors inside of your neck. There called Kicking Kemos and they kick, kick, kick, KICK! Each kick of the Kemos causes the monster to shrink, shrink, shrink, SHRINK! They swim through your body kicking as they go; they’ll kick every inch, every part, not missing one little spot. Oh and I do say… it will hurt quite a lot. So be sure to enlist lots and lots of help.”
So my grandma asked me, “Do help, pretty please? I’ll need a good sidekick to cheer me along, because this battle can be a rather bit long.”
I was so happy to help that I ran up and gave her a very big hug, “Grandma I love you! And I will be at your side, cheering, and cheering and cheering along.”
The battle raged on, the monster was strong. Grandma got so very tired that she slept all the time; that I started to wonder if she had been glued right into her bed! So I did what I could, I cuddled up at her side and read her good books, of dragons and princesses and pirates called hook.
The monster attacked, and the Khemos kicked back. All this fighting made Grandma really, really weak. Three steps at a time, was all she could do, before sitting down and resting for a minute or two. Well walking this slow would simply not do, running circles around her was funny at first; but it seemed to us both that a wheelchair would be fun, fun. I pushed that old wheelchair till we wore it right out; we covered every street, sidewalk, pathway, lane, road, and trail that we could find. Sometimes when we came to a very big hill Grandma told me to hop on to the back. Wow! We went so super fast that we couldn’t help scream, screaming; but when we finally came to a stop we started laugh, laughing.
All of this fighting gave Grandma’s tummy a bad case of the crum, crummies. So it started churning and spinning around, that tummy it even flipped, and got stuck upside down. She was not hungry and did not want to eat, not even her most favourite food - fresh asparagus sprouts! So I made us a tea party, invited each one of my dolls; and served special power strawberry milkshakes with sparkling bright twisty princess straws.
Now imagine if gobbling Cancers and kicking Khemos were inside of you. The thought of the fighting might make you feel quite a little bit blue. Well sometimes Grandma felt downright dump, dumpy; and when I saw her looking absolutely glum, glumpy. I knew how to cheer her right up in a jiffy, I told her all of my very best jokes. Soon we were laughing and chuckling that our cheeks started hurting from smiling so much.
One day that monster got mad, mad, mad, MAD! So he threw a huge fit and scared us horribly bad. Now when you get scared there is only one thing to do; start singing, or humming, or tapping a tune. So I started to sing and my Grandma joined in and soon we had found that we had been sing, singing the whole day trough. At the end of the day we couldn’t remember, we did not have one little clue, why we had started singing so much.
And when we thought that the fighting was through, ALL of Grandma’s hair fell out. And she was bald, bald, BALD! So we played dress up of course. I searched high and low and found a whole wardrobe of hilarious hats and wild wigs. Every day donned a brand new look; one day we were queens, the next we were clowns, we even dressed up as witches with big lumpy warts on the sides of our necks.
Those Kemos kicked at that monster for months, chopping, breaking, and grinding him up. One day when that monster had withered and shriveled a lot. Cancer stopped trying to gobble my grandmother up; and that tiny, tiny, monster fell into a deep, deep, deep, sleep.
Finally, my grandma is healthy again. Her big lumpy bump is all gone, gone away, and that monster called Cancer isn’t bothering her now. So we shouted and danced and had a great party.
A few years have gone past, and we don’t know just when, that monster called Cancer will attack her again. But we are ready and willing to fight it all over again. I like to pretend that Grandma is a secret superhero that can thump any monster. But sometimes she reminds me that she is not.
She says “Susannah my dear. Grandmas are grandmas not killer robots, and the day will come when my body will be too old, and too weak, to keep on fight, fighting; and the monster called Cancer will have eaten far too much of me up. And when that day comes miss me and know that I love you. I will be with you all of the time because I have become your new guardian angel. Know that all my battles were worth it, and the monster called Cancer WILL be beaten someday! Each battle teaches us how to fight better, making us stronger, and smart, smarter. And it’s us getting smarter, that gets us closer and closer to destroying this very mean monster. Please know that I would fight cancer a million more times if I could, oh I would, yes I would, if I could, and I would banish that monster for good.”
I believe that my grandmother is quite right by the way. And I promise her now that I will keep cheering, and hoping, and helping until that wonderful day; when at last the monster called Cancer has been beaten and banished away.
But today is today, so we will have fun. We still have a lot of play, playing to do, so I’ve got to run.

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Sarah Beitz
Georgi Timon